
This is the base class for media playback technology controllers, such as Flash and HTML5


new Tech(optionsopt, ready)

Create an instance of this Tech.

Name Type Attributes Description
options Object <optional>

The key/value store of player options.

ready Component~ReadyCallback

Callback function to call when the HTML5 Tech is ready.



featuresFullscreenResize :boolean

Boolean indicating wether the Tech support fullscreen resize control. Resizing plugins using request fullscreen reloads the plugin

featuresNativeTextTracks :boolean

Boolean indicating wether the Tech supports the native TextTracks. This will help us integrate with native TextTracks if the browser supports them.

featuresPlaybackRate :boolean

Boolean indicating wether the Tech supports changing the speed at which the video plays. Examples:

  • Set player to play 2x (twice) as fast
  • Set player to play 0.5x (half) as fast

featuresProgressEvents :boolean

Boolean indicating wether the Tech supports the progress event. This is currently not triggered by video-js-swf. This will be used to determine if Tech#manualProgressOn should be called.

featuresTimeupdateEvents :boolean

Boolean indicating wether the Tech supports the timeupdate event. This is currently not triggered by video-js-swf. This will be used to determine if Tech#manualTimeUpdates should be called.

featuresVolumeControl :boolean

Boolean indicating wether the Tech supports volume control.

Default Value:
  • true


static getTech(name) → {Tech|undefined}

Get a Tech from the shared list by name.

Name Type Description
name string

Name of the component to get

Tech | undefined -

The Tech or undefined if there was no tech with the name requsted.

static registerTech(name, tech)

Registers a Tech into a shared list for videojs.

Name Type Description
name string

Name of the Tech to register.

tech Object

The Tech class to register.

static withSourceHandlers(_Tech)

A functional mixin for techs that want to use the Source Handler pattern. Source handlers are scripts for handling specific formats. The source handler pattern is used for adaptive formats (HLS, DASH) that manually load video data and feed it into a Source Buffer (Media Source Extensions) Example:;

Name Type Description
_Tech Tech

The tech to add source handler functions to.

Mixes In:
  • Tech~SourceHandlerAdditions

$(selector, contextopt) → {Element|null}

Find a single DOM element matching a selector. This can be within the Components contentEl() or another custom context.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
selector string

A valid CSS selector, which will be passed to querySelector.

context Element | string <optional>

A DOM element within which to query. Can also be a selector string in which case the first matching element will get used as context. If missing this.contentEl() gets used. If this.contentEl() returns nothing it falls back to document.

Element | null -

the dom element that was found, or null

Inherited From:

$$(selector, contextopt) → {NodeList}

Finds all DOM element matching a selector. This can be within the Components contentEl() or another custom context.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
selector string

A valid CSS selector, which will be passed to querySelectorAll.

context Element | string <optional>

A DOM element within which to query. Can also be a selector string in which case the first matching element will get used as context. If missing this.contentEl() gets used. If this.contentEl() returns nothing it falls back to document.

NodeList -

a list of dom elements that were found

Inherited From:

addChild(child, optionsopt, indexopt) → {Component}

Add a child Component inside the current Component.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
child string | Component

The name or instance of a child to add.

options Object <optional>

The key/value store of options that will get passed to children of the child.

index number <optional>

The index to attempt to add a child into.

Component -

The Component that gets added as a child. When using a string the Component will get created by this process.

Inherited From:

addClass(classToAdd) → {Component}

Add a CSS class name to the Components element.

Name Type Description
classToAdd string

CSS class name to add

Component -

Returns itself; method can be chained.

Inherited From:

addRemoteTextTrack(options, manualCleanupopt) → {HTMLTrackElement}

Creates a remote text track object and returns an html track element.

Note: This can be an emulated HTMLTrackElement or a native one.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
options Object

See Tech#createRemoteTextTrack for more detailed properties.

manualCleanup boolean <optional>
  • When false: the TextTrack will be automatically removed from the video
       element whenever the source changes
     - When True: The TextTrack will have to be cleaned up manually
HTMLTrackElement -

An Html Track Element.

  • The default functionality for this function will be equivalent to "manualCleanup=false" in the future. The manualCleanup parameter will also be removed.

addTextTrack(kind, labelopt, languageopt) → {TextTrack}

Create and returns a remote TextTrack object.

Name Type Attributes Description
kind string

TextTrack kind (subtitles, captions, descriptions, chapters, or metadata)

label string <optional>

Label to identify the text track

language string <optional>

Two letter language abbreviation

TextTrack -

The TextTrack that gets created.


Emulate TextTracks using vtt.js if necessary


audioTracks() → {AudioTrackList}

Get the Techs AudioTrackList.

AudioTrackList -

The audio track list that the Tech is currently using.

buffered() → {TimeRange}

Get and create a TimeRange object for buffering.

TimeRange -

The time range object that was created.

bufferedPercent() → {number}

Get the percentage of the current video that is currently buffered.

number -

A number from 0 to 1 that represents the decimal percentage of the video that is buffered.

abstract buildCSSClass() → {string}

Builds the default DOM class name. Should be overriden by sub-components.

string -

The DOM class name for this object.

Inherited From:

children() → {Array}

Get an array of all child components

Array -

The children

Inherited From:


Remove any TextTracks added via addRemoteTextTrack that are flagged for automatic garbage collection

clearInterval(intervalId) → {number}

Clears an interval that gets created via window.setInterval or Component#setInterval. If you set an inteval via Component#setInterval use this function instead of window.clearInterval. If you don't your dispose listener will not get cleaned up until Component#dispose!

Name Type Description
intervalId number

The id of the interval to clear. The return value of Component#setInterval or window.setInterval.

number -

Returns the interval id that was cleared.

Inherited From:

clearTimeout(timeoutId) → {number}

Clears a timeout that gets created via window.setTimeout or Component#setTimeout. If you set a timeout via Component#setTimeout use this function instead of window.clearTimout. If you don't your dispose listener will not get cleaned up until Component#dispose!

Name Type Description
timeoutId number

The id of the timeout to clear. The return value of Component#setTimeout or window.setTimeout.

number -

Returns the timeout id that was cleared.

Inherited From:


Clear out a single TrackList or an array of TrackLists given their names.

Note: Techs without source handlers should call this between sources for video & audio tracks. You don't want to use them between tracks!

Name Type Description
types Array.<string> | string

TrackList names to clear, valid names are video, audio, and text.

contentEl() → {Element}

Return the Components DOM element. This is where children get inserted. This will usually be the the same as the element returned in Component#el.

Element -

The content element for this Component.

Inherited From:

createEl(tagNameopt, propertiesopt, attributesopt) → {Element}

Create the Components DOM element.

Name Type Attributes Description
tagName string <optional>

Element's DOM node type. e.g. 'div'

properties Object <optional>

An object of properties that should be set.

attributes Object <optional>

An object of attributes that should be set.

Element -

The element that gets created.

Inherited From:

createRemoteTextTrack(options) → {HTMLTrackElement}

Create an emulated TextTrack for use by addRemoteTextTrack

This is intended to be overridden by classes that inherit from Tech in order to create native or custom TextTracks.

Name Type Description
options Object

The object should contain the options to initialize the TextTrack with.

Name Type Attributes Description
kind string <optional>

TextTrack kind (subtitles, captions, descriptions, chapters, or metadata).

label string <optional>

Label to identify the text track

language string <optional>

Two letter language abbreviation.

HTMLTrackElement -

The track element that gets created.

currentDimension(widthOrHeight) → {number}

Get the width or the height of the Component elements computed style. Uses window.getComputedStyle.

Name Type Description
widthOrHeight string

A string containing 'width' or 'height'. Whichever one you want to get.

number -

The dimension that gets asked for or 0 if nothing was set for that dimension.

Inherited From:

currentDimensions() → {Component~DimensionObject}

Get an object that contains width and height values of the Components computed style.

Component~DimensionObject -

The dimensions of the components element

Inherited From:

currentHeight() → {number}

Get the height of the Components computed style. Uses window.getComputedStyle.

number -

height The height of the Components computed style.

Inherited From:

currentWidth() → {number}

Get the width of the Components computed style. Uses window.getComputedStyle.

number -

width The width of the Components computed style.

Inherited From:

dimension(widthOrHeight, numopt, skipListenersopt) → {Component}

Get or set width or height of the Component element. This is the shared code for the Component#width and Component#height.

Things to know:

  • If the width or height in an number this will return the number postfixed with 'px'.
  • If the width/height is a percent this will return the percent postfixed with '%'
  • Hidden elements have a width of 0 with window.getComputedStyle. This function defaults to the Components style.width and falls back to window.getComputedStyle. See this for more information
  • If you want the computed style of the component, use Component#currentWidth and {Component#currentHeight
Name Type Attributes Description
widthOrHeight string

8 'width' or 'height'

num number | string <optional>

8 New dimension

skipListeners boolean <optional>

Skip resize event trigger

Component -
  • the dimension when getting or 0 if unset
      - Returns itself when setting; method can be chained.
Inherited From:

dimensions(width, height) → {Component}

Set both the width and height of the Component element at the same time.

Name Type Description
width number | string

Width to set the Components element to.

height number | string

Height to set the Components element to.

Component -

Returns itself; method can be chained.

Inherited From:


Turn off all event polyfills, clear the Techs AudioTrackList, VideoTrackList, and TextTrackList, and dispose of this Tech.


el() → {Element}

Get the Components DOM element

Element -

The DOM element for this Component.

Inherited From:


This function reports user activity whenever touch events happen. This can get turned off by any sub-components that wants touch events to act another way.

Report user touch activity when touch events occur. User activity gets used to determine when controls should show/hide. It is simple when it comes to mouse events, because any mouse event should show the controls. So we capture mouse events that bubble up to the player and report activity when that happens. With touch events it isn't as easy as touchstart and touchend toggle player controls. So touch events can't help us at the player level either.

User activity gets checked asynchronously. So what could happen is a tap event on the video turns the controls off. Then the touchend event bubbles up to the player. Which, if it reported user activity, would turn the controls right back on. We also don't want to completely block touch events from bubbling up. Furthermore a touchmove event and anything other than a tap, should not turn controls back on.

Listens to Events:
  • Component#event:touchstart
  • Component#event:touchmove
  • Component#event:touchend
  • Component#event:touchcancel
Inherited From:

error(erropt) → {MediaError|null}

Get or set an error on the Tech.

Name Type Attributes Description
err MediaError <optional>

Error to set on the Tech

MediaError | null -

The current error object on the tech, or null if there isn't one.

getAttribute(attribute) → {string|null}

Get the value of an attribute on the Components element.

Name Type Description
attribute string

Name of the attribute to get the value from.

string | null -
  • The value of the attribute that was asked for.
      - Can be an empty string on some browsers if the attribute does not exist
        or has no value
      - Most browsers will return null if the attibute does not exist or has
        no value.
Inherited From:

getChild(name) → {Component|undefined}

Returns the child Component with the given name.

Name Type Description
name string

The name of the child Component to get.

Component | undefined -

The child Component with the given name or undefined.

Inherited From:

getChildById(id) → {Component|undefined}

Returns the child Component with the given id.

Name Type Description
id string

The id of the child Component to get.

Component | undefined -

The child Component with the given id or undefined.

Inherited From:

hasClass(classToCheck) → {boolean}

Check if a component's element has a CSS class name.

Name Type Description
classToCheck string

CSS class name to check.

boolean -
  • True if the Component has the class.
      - False if the `Component` does not have the class`
Inherited From:

height(numopt, skipListenersopt) → {Component|number|string}

Get or set the height of the component based upon the CSS styles. See Component#dimension for more detailed information.

Name Type Attributes Description
num number | string <optional>

The height that you want to set postfixed with '%', 'px' or nothing.

skipListeners boolean <optional>

Skip the resize event trigger

Component | number | string -
  • The width when getting, zero if there is no width. Can be a string
        postpixed with '%' or 'px'.
      - Returns itself when setting; method can be chained.
Inherited From:

hide() → {Component}

Hide the Components element if it is currently showing by adding the 'vjs-hidden` class name to it.

Component -

Returns itself; method can be chained.

Inherited From:

id() → {string}

Get this Components ID

string -

The id of this Component

Inherited From:


Add and initialize default child Components based upon options.

Inherited From:


Turn on listeners for TextTrackList events. This adds EventTarget~EventListeners for texttrackchange, addtrack and removetrack.



Turn on listeners for VideoTrackList and {AudioTrackList events. This adds EventTarget~EventListeners for addtrack, and removetrack.


localize(string) → {string}

Localize a string given the string in english.

Name Type Description
string string

The string to localize.

string -

The localized string or if no localization exists the english string.

Inherited From:


Turn off the polyfill for progress events that was created in Tech#manualProgressOn


Polyfill the progress event for browsers that don't support it natively.



Turn off the polyfill for timeupdate events that was created in Tech#manualTimeUpdatesOn


Polyfill the timeupdate event for browsers that don't support it.


name() → {string}

Get the Components name. The name gets used to reference the Component and is set during registration.

string -

The name of this Component.

Inherited From:

off(firstopt, secondopt, thirdopt) → {Component}

Remove an event listener from this Components element. If the second argument is exluded all listeners for the type passed in as the first argument will be removed.

Name Type Attributes Description
first string | Component | Array.<string> <optional>

The event name, and array of event names, or another Component.

second EventTarget~EventListener | string | Array.<string> <optional>

The listener function, an event name, or an Array of events names.

third EventTarget~EventListener <optional>

The event handler if first is a Component and second is an event name or an Array of event names.

Component -

Returns itself; method can be chained.

Inherited From:

on(firstopt, secondopt, thirdopt) → {Component}

Add an event listener to this Components element.

The benefit of using this over the following:

  • VjsEvents.on(otherElement, 'eventName', myFunc)
  • otherComponent.on('eventName', myFunc)

  • Is that the listeners will get cleaned up when either component gets disposed.

  • It will also bind myComponent as the context of myFunc.

    NOTE: If you remove the element from the DOM that has used on you need to

     clean up references using: `myComponent.trigger(el, 'dispose')`
     This will also allow the browser to garbage collect it. In special
     cases such as with `window` and `document`, which are both permanent,
     this is not necessary.
Name Type Attributes Description
first string | Component | Array.<string> <optional>

The event name, and array of event names, or another Component.

second EventTarget~EventListener | string | Array.<string> <optional>

The listener function, an event name, or an Array of events names.

third EventTarget~EventListener <optional>

The event handler if first is a Component and second is an event name or an Array of event names.

Listens to Events:
Component -

Returns itself; method can be chained.

Inherited From:


Update our internal duration on a durationchange event by calling Tech#duration.

Name Type Description
event EventTarget~Event

The durationchange event that caused this to run.

Listens to Events:
  • Tech#event:durationchange

one(firstopt, secondopt, thirdopt) → {Component}

Add an event listener that gets triggered only once and then gets removed.

Name Type Attributes Description
first string | Component | Array.<string> <optional>

The event name, and array of event names, or another Component.

second EventTarget~EventListener | string | Array.<string> <optional>

The listener function, an event name, or an Array of events names.

third EventTarget~EventListener <optional>

The event handler if first is a Component and second is an event name or an Array of event names.

Component -

Returns itself; method can be chained.

Inherited From:

options(obj) → {Object}

Deep merge of options objects with new options.

Note: When both obj and options contain properties whose values are objects. The two properties get merged using module:mergeOptions

Name Type Description
obj Object

The object that contains new options.

Object -

A new object of this.options_ and obj merged together.

Inherited From:
  • since version 5

played() → {TimeRange}

Returns the TimeRanges that have been played through for the current source.

NOTE: This implementation is incomplete. It does not track the played TimeRange. It only checks wether the source has played at all or not.

TimeRange -
  • A single time range if this video has played
      - An empty set of ranges if not.

player() → {Player}

Return the Player that the Component has attached to.

Player -

The player that this Component has attached to.

Inherited From:

ready(fn, syncopt) → {Component}

Bind a listener to the component's ready state. If the ready event has already happened it will trigger the function immediately.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
fn Component~ReadyCallback

A function to call when ready is triggered.

sync boolean <optional>

Execute the listener synchronously if Component is ready.

Component -

Returns itself; method can be chained.

Inherited From:

remoteTextTrackEls() → {HTMLTrackElementList}

Get The Techs {HTMLTrackElementList}, which are the elements in the DOM that are being used as TextTracks.

HTMLTrackElementList -

The current HTML track elements that exist for the tech.

remoteTextTracks() → {TextTrackList}

Get the Techs remote TextTrackList, which is created from elements that were added to the DOM.

TextTrackList -

The remote text track list that the Tech is currently using.

removeAttribute(attribute) → {Component}

Remove an attribute from the Components element.

Name Type Description
attribute string

Name of the attribute to remove.

Component -

Returns itself; method can be chained.

Inherited From:


Remove a child Component from this Components list of children. Also removes the child Components element from this Components element.

Name Type Description
component Component

The child Component to remove.

Inherited From:

removeClass(classToRemove) → {Component}

Remove a CSS class name from the Components element.

Name Type Description
classToRemove string

CSS class name to remove

Component -

Returns itself; method can be chained.

Inherited From:


Remove a remote text track from the remote TextTrackList.

Name Type Description
track TextTrack

TextTrack to remove from the TextTrackList

abstract reset()

Reset the tech, which will removes all sources and reset the internal readyState.

setAttribute(attribute, value) → {Component}

Set the value of an attribute on the Component's element

Name Type Description
attribute string

Name of the attribute to set.

value string

Value to set the attribute to.

Component -

Returns itself; method can be chained.

Inherited From:


Causes a manual time update to occur if Tech#manualTimeUpdatesOn was previously called.


setInterval(fn, interval) → {number}

Creates a function that gets run every x milliseconds. This function is a wrapper around window.setInterval. There are a few reasons to use this one instead though.

  1. It gets cleared via Component#clearInterval when Component#dispose gets called.
  2. The function callback will be a Component~GenericCallback
Name Type Description
fn Component~GenericCallback

The function to run every x seconds.

interval number

Execute the specified function every x milliseconds.

Listens to Events:
number -

Returns an id that can be used to identify the interval. It can also be be used in Component#clearInterval to clear the interval.

Inherited From:

abstract setPoster()

A method to set a poster from a Tech.

setTimeout(fn, timeout) → {number}

Creates a function that runs after an x millisecond timeout. This function is a wrapper around window.setTimeout. There are a few reasons to use this one instead though:

  1. It gets cleared via Component#clearTimeout when Component#dispose gets called.
  2. The function callback will gets turned into a Component~GenericCallback

Note: You can use window.clearTimeout on the id returned by this function. This will cause its dispose listener not to get cleaned up! Please use Component#clearTimeout or Component#dispose.

Name Type Description
fn Component~GenericCallback

The function that will be run after timeout.

timeout number

Timeout in milliseconds to delay before executing the specified function.

Listens to Events:
number -

Returns a timeout ID that gets used to identify the timeout. It can also get used in Component#clearTimeout to clear the timeout that was set.

Inherited From:

show() → {Component}

Show the Components element if it is hidden by removing the 'vjs-hidden' class name from it.

Component -

Returns itself; method can be chained.

Inherited From:


Stop the interval function created in Tech#trackCurrentTime so that the timeupdate event is no longer triggered.

Listens to Events:
  • {Tech#event:pause}


Turn off the polyfill for progress events that was created in Tech#manualProgressOn Stop manually tracking progress events by clearing the interval that was set in Tech#trackProgress.

textTracks() → {TextTrackList}

Get the Techs TextTrackList.

TextTrackList -

The text track list that the Tech is currently using.

toggleClass(classToToggle, predicateopt) → {Component}

Add or remove a CSS class name from the component's element.

Name Type Attributes Description
classToToggle string

The class to add or remove based on (@link Component#hasClass}

predicate boolean | Dom~predicate <optional>

An Dom~predicate function or a boolean

Component -

Returns itself; method can be chained.

Inherited From:


Sets up an interval function to track current time and trigger timeupdate every 250 milliseconds.

Listens to Events:
  • Tech#event:play


This is used to trigger a progress event when the buffered percent changes. It sets an interval function that will be called every 500 milliseconds to check if the buffer end percent has changed.

This function is called by Tech#manualProgressOn

Name Type Description
event EventTarget~Event

The ready event that caused this to run.

Listens to Events:

trigger(event, hashopt) → {Component}

Trigger an event on an element.

Name Type Attributes Description
event EventTarget~Event | Object | string

The event name, and Event, or an event-like object with a type attribute set to the event name.

hash Object <optional>

Data hash to pass along with the event

Component -

Returns itself; method can be chained.

Inherited From:


Trigger all the ready listeners for this Component.

Inherited From:

videoTracks() → {VideoTrackList}

Get the Techs VideoTrackList.

VideoTrackList -

The video track list that the Tech is currently using.

width(numopt, skipListenersopt) → {Component|number|string}

Get or set the width of the component based upon the CSS styles. See Component#dimension for more detailed information.

Name Type Attributes Description
num number | string <optional>

The width that you want to set postfixed with '%', 'px' or nothing.

skipListeners boolean <optional>

Skip the resize event trigger

Component | number | string -
  • The width when getting, zero if there is no width. Can be a string
        postpixed with '%' or 'px'.
      - Returns itself when setting; method can be chained.
Inherited From:

Type Definitions


An Object containing a structure like: {src: 'url', type: 'mimetype'} or string that just contains the src url alone.

  • var SourceObject = {src: '', type: 'video/mp4'}; var SourceString = '';
Name Type Description
src string

The url to the source

type string

The mime type of the source



Triggered when tracks are added or removed on the Tech AudioTrackList



Triggered when a Component is disposed.

Listeners of This Event:
Name Type Attributes Default Description
bubbles boolean <optional>

set to false so that the close event does not bubble up

Inherited From:


See Player#progress



Triggered when a Component is ready.

Listeners of This Event:
Inherited From:


Triggered when a component is resized.

Inherited From:


Triggered when a Component is tapped.

Inherited From:


Triggered when tracks are added or removed on the Tech TextTrackList



A manual timeupdate event.



Triggered at an interval of 250ms to indicated that time is passing in the video.



Triggered when tracks are added or removed on the Tech VideoTrackList



Fired when vtt.js is loaded.



Fired when vtt.js was not loaded due to an error
